
Identifier Title Semester
DMACC ENG 105 DMACC Composition I Semester
DMACC ENG 106 DMACC Composition II Semester
DMACC ENG 221 DMACC Creative Writing Semester
DMACC LIT 101 DMACC Intro to Literature Semester
ELA - 310 Media Literacy Semester
ELA 101/102 English 1 Year-long
ELA 103/104 Priority English 1 Year-long
ELA 106/107 Honors English 1 Year-long
ELA 201/202 English 2 Year-long
ELA 206/210 Honors English 2 Year-long
ELA 301 English 3A Semester
ELA 302 English 3B Semester
ELA 306 Myths, Legends, and Folklore Semester
ELA 307 Communication Methods Semester
ELA 311 Literature and Film Studies Semester
ELA 400/401 and ELA 405/406 Digital Journalism/Advanced Digital Journalism Year-long
ELA 900/901 Communications/Journalism Year-long
ENG Creative Writing Semester