Test Out Procedures for Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and Physical Science
- The purpose of the test out option, or credit by competency, is for a student to further advance in a subject area during their high school experience. It is NOT to complete the required six math or science credits needed for graduation as quickly as possible.
- A student may test out of a course only before the student has attempted the course during the school year. Testing out of a course is not a method for credit-recovery.
- Eligible students must successfully complete both semesters of the prerequisite course with at least a B.
- Testing out is an independent endeavor with little support or contact with teachers who may not be available for help due to family commitments, vacation plans, etc.
- Students will be provided with resources to help them independently study and prepare for the post-test.
- An application form must be completed and submitted to the Boone High School counseling office before April 25, 2025. Application forms are available in the BHS counseling office or by this Google Form.
- For math courses, a student may complete a pre-test for the course they wish to test out of by April 30th to assess their proficiency. Alternatively, a student may choose to waive the pre-test, study the course materials during the summer, and complete the post-test by August 1, 2025. There is no pre-test for Principles of Advanced Science
- If a student completes a pre-test, they will be given feedback on their pre-test by the last day of school. If a student did not pass the pre-test, they will receive teacher input regarding their independent study action plan by the last day of school.
- All assessments (including the pre-tests for math courses) need to be taken in person with a proctor.
- Students must complete all assessments before August 1, 2025. When a student is ready to take the post-test, they should contact Kristina Greenfield (kgreenfield@boone.k12.ia.us) at the high school to arrange a time.
Test Out Procedure