Welcome to the BHS Course Catalog

The purpose of this website is to acquaint students and parents with the course offerings of Boone High School and to provide information, which will assist in the selection of courses by students at the time of registration. It also includes information on college entrance requirements, credit value, requirements for graduation, and other topics important to students and parents in planning the program of study.

Keep in mind that the counselors are available to assist students and their parents in the selection of courses. Parents should feel free to contact their student's counselor prior to any final decisions that are made as to the selection of subjects and extra-curricular activities. It is recommended that parents contact their student's counselor regarding aptitude and achievement test scores in making college or vocational plans.

Call 515-433-0890, ext 46133 for 9th Grade/10th Grade students. 

Call 515-433-0890, ext. 46134 for 11th Grade/12th Grade students.

Schedule changes: Students may be granted a schedule change under counselor and administrative approval. Schedules will be reviewed throughout the year by each student and his or her counselor to more effectively plan for the future, i.e. four-year plans.