Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II
Prerequisite: General Biology
Considerations: An elective course for students interested in biological sciences. Fulfills one semester of the required six semesters of science needed for graduation.
Course Description: Students will study the anatomy and physiology of humans by going through the structure and function of the organ systems. The first semester explores the body plan, organization, and the different tissues that compose the organs of the body system. Systems covered in the first semester will include integumentary, skeletal, muscular nervous, and endocrine. As each system is studied, various diseases or disorders that can affect the system will also be studied. How systems work together to maintain a balance of the body is part of the content. Many vocabulary terms are essential in the course because of the human anatomy that is learned. Dissections and other lab work, group work, and projects are part of the course.
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Prerequisite: General Biology, recommend Human Anatomy & Physiology I
Considerations: An elective course for students interested in biological sciences. Fulfills one semester of the required six semesters of science needed for graduation.
Course Description: Students will study the anatomy and physiology of human systems by going through the structure and function of the organ systems. The second semester reviews the body plan, organization, and the different tissues that compose the organs of the body systems. Systems covered in the second semester will include the cardiovascular, lymphatic and immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive. As each system is studied, various diseases or disorders that can affect the system will also be studied. How systems work together to maintain a balance of the body is part of the content. Many vocabulary terms are essential in the course because of the human anatomy that is learned. Dissections and other lab work, group work, and projects are part of the course.