Excel Mentorship


Prerequisite:  11-12 students in the Excel program.  

Course Description: Another option to enable Excel students to study a topic of interest in depth is to work with an expert, a mentor, in the student’s field of interest. Student(s) are placed with a subject matter expert or professional to further a specific interest or proficiency, which cannot be provided within the regular educational setting. Mentors work individually with students; they serve as role models, help students understand methodologies professionals use, and/or assist in framing research questions. Mentors help students experience the real work of the professional in a field of interest and better understand career opportunities. Mentors can provide a collegial relationship and peer, by being both a professional guide and someone with whom the student can discuss mutual interests. Approximately sixty hours and the completion of a final project is required to receive 1 elective credit. Approximately 30 hours and the completion of a final project is required to receive a .5 elective credit. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from their mentorship.