Concert Band - 11th/12th Grade


Grades: 11th / 12th Grade

Prerequisite: 9th / 10th Grade band or basic playing ability on a wind or percussion instrument with audition by the student and approval of the instructor (for both the high school and symphonic band).

Fee: $40 if using a school instrument

Course Description: The marching band will meet in the summer for one week (usually in August). The regular marching season begins the first week of school and continues to the last varsity home football game. The marching band meets daily. The concert band will begin in October/November and will meet daily until the end of the school year. The teaching of the basic elements of music including pitch, rhythm, key signatures, and scales, along with some music history, will be incorporated into the class rehearsal. Grading will be based on required lessons, performances, daily grades, and written tests over materials covered in class. Required performances include all scheduled concerts and marching performances, plus any State or SCIBA festival. All styles of music will be performed. Also available, but not required, are All-State auditions, Solo/Ensemble Festival, Honor bands, jazz bands, and pep bands.

Considerations: Most students should own their own instruments. The larger instruments are provided through the school rental program.
